Detective Inspector Fin MacLeod of the Edinburgh police is at a low point in his life. He is suffering from depression for multiple reasons when his bosses called him in and tell him it's time to shape up or ship out in a manner of speaking. The case they give him will sent him back to the Isle of Lewis which is part of the archipelago of the Outer Hebrides.

Now perhaps one of them was the perpetrator of the brutal murder of a bully from childhood to the present. Was Fin wearing blinders then and is he wearing them still? One thing is sure and that is he has to accept what kind of a person he was then and sonsider if he has changed for the better or the worse.
Peter May takes Fin back in his memories through a first person POV and the reader sees that there was a lot of sadness in Fin's life. Fin appears to be an inconsistent character at times but as his journey into his past is revealed he makes more and more sense. The community in which he grew up helped hide his skeletons and permitted him to survive.
The murder may seem to be a side issue at times but solving it sheds light on all the mysteries in Fin's life. This was a great read.