It was a happy day a few years ago that I began to read John Harvey. This is the favorite of my series.
John Harvey

Another music lover Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick who favors jazz and has named his four cats after jazz greats, Miles, Dizzy, Bud and Pepper is also finishing up a long day and rescuing rescuing people at a center from an axe wielding drunk who used to be a well known jazz player. He will be called in in on the Fletcher case which will be only the first in a series of brutal assaults on hospital personnel which involve people from all levels of the staff.

It's autumn in the midlands and Resnick's staff is busy with other assorted investigations as well as their personal troubles, but Resnick keeps his troops well in hand. This is the third book in this series and the reader is getting very familiar with the characters and it like dropping in for a welcome visit. Graham Millington and Diptak Patel were working on a robbery ring, Mark Divine had a personality that is a major stumbling block, Lynn Kellogg is a very promising young officer with a lot to offer, Kevin Naylor's wife is sufering from post natal depression, and is making every one's life a misery because Kevin transmits his blues like the flu.

John Harvey is masterful in creating that atmosphere and sense of place that is so realistic yet humane that you can read one book after another and really get to appreciate all the characters with all their foibles, weak and strong that makes them individuals that you would find anywhere. The Bloody Brits Editions are of s high quality that the act of holding the book is part of the pleasure of reading this book. This is my second reading of this series, not my last I am sure.
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